How To Dremel A Fidgety Dog's Nails
Exciting Update: I am launching a new, affordable, in-depth, at-your-own-footstep "How To Dremel Your Dog'southward Nails" online master grade! Subscribe to our newsletter to exist notified when the course is live. Past subscribing to our newsletter you volition too get infrequent updates nearly new posts on Grand&E:
Dremeling dog nails is a fantastic culling to the traditional method of clipping. Information technology is not surprising that many dogs react poorly to nail clipping. Even if you practise not cut painfully into the quick, the motion of clipping even so pinches the sensitive nerves inside of the nail. Dremeling is a groovy mode to maintain salubrious nails and to lessen stress for everyone involved. You lot don't take to be a professional person to do a good chore, simply, there are some important steps involved in properly Dremeling nails.
Choosing a Dremel
- Speed/RPM : Ideal dog nail grinding happens at between x,000 – xv,000 RPM (a.ka. it'southward speed -the sanding drum'southward rotations per infinitesimal). Anything RPM lower than x,000 RPM will exist too wearisome, and anything higher than 15,000 is TOO HOT and will cause too much heat to generate equally you Dremel. If you are new to Dremeling, information technology is ideal to start out at 10,000 RMP. If yous have questions about models and RPM, please comment below, I am happy to assistance!
- Corded, or Cordless? I adopt cordless. Cordless is less tricky for you to maneuver, and much less disruptive to the dog. Just remember to re-charge your cordless Dremel battery almost in one case every 2 weeks.
In my stance, these are the 3 to cull from. They are all cordless:
- Dremel's Pet Model. I am putting this here because and so many people enquire about it, merely information technology is my to the lowest degree favorite. Model has 2 speeds to chose from: half dozen,500 or 14,000 RPM. The boring speed is under x,000, which is as well irksome for dog nail Dremeling, making the faster speed information technology's only useful speed. Ideal nail Dremeling happens betwixt 10,000-xv,000 RPM, making this model's speed of fourteen,000 on the faster terminate of that spectrum. Delight note if you are a tentative beginner, this speed can be a footling fast. I have gone through a few of these for travel purposes because they are inexpensive and I wouldn't mind if I lost i. They don't have the best battery life and they die after about two years in my feel. These do the job just fine, but if you want to salvage coin over time, the beneath models will last longer (the beneath models cost effectually 2.5x the toll of the pet model).
- Dremel 7760. This Dremel has one setting for dog nails – "two" (14,000 RPM). Ideal blast Dremeling happens between ten,000-15,000 RPM, making this model's speed of 14,000 on the faster end of that spectrum. It is a bit sturdier than the pet model.
- Dremel 8220. This cordless model is the merely ane that has an bodily "sliding scale" for speed (5,000-35,000 RPM), with tiny adjustments available to your exact liking. This means if you are a nervous Dremeler at first, you lot tin can slide the speed to your comfort level and you learn and go more experienced. I learned on this ane and loved information technology. It is heavier than the other two listed higher up, only the adaptability in speed is unparalleled. In my experience this model is extremely durable and unlike the other ii is unlikely to need replacing. Even though it is heavier I would only really discover that if I had arthritis or wrist bug.
Necessary Supplies
- Sanding Bands, sixty Grit, Dremel product #408 (ane/ii″ diameter): This is the drum yous volition use to shorten the nails. Information technology is a courser grit. Replace once a month.
- Sanding Bands, 120 Dust, Dremel product #432 (i/2″ diameter): This is the drum you will use to polish out the nails after shortening them with the courser dust first. These are essential for going over each nail one last time to polish them out. No more scratched flesh or couches from domestic dog nails! Supercede once every month – two months.
- Dremel Ez-Drum Mandrel, Dremel product #EZ407SA. This inexpensive part makes switching between the two types of sanding bands a breeze. This tool (shown below) allows y'all to swap out sanding bands instantly. It doesn't come with the Dremel kit, but almost all hardware stores carry information technology in the rotary tool / Dremel section.

Optional Supplies
- Safety Glasses, to keep dust out of your eyes.
- Dust mask or respirator, if y'all take asthma and/or are sensitive to grit.
- If yous are nervous about grinding your dog's nails downwardly too much, a focused headlamp will exist an invaluable tool for Dremeling — and for walking your dog at dark! My all-time favorite is the Petzl headlamp.
Dremel Grooming
Miles is a canis familiaris that absolutely cannot stand up having his nails clipped. I cannot emphasize how passionately he used to fearfulness blast clipping! No amount of nutrient or training could convince him to tolerate nail clipping. Information technology was terrible. With training, however, he is completely content to relax while I Dremel his nails. This is considering I introduced the tool slowly and carefully, and because I use it properly.
Because you volition be using this tool once or twice a week for the rest of your dog'south life, it is disquisitional for both you and your dog that at that place is no fear or strength involved. For many dogs, the whirring sound of the Dremel can be suspicious at showtime, and understandably so! If yous train your dog that the Dremel isn't a scary affair long before you utilise it on their nails, there is a much greater chance it will be a tool they won't mind for life. Delight piece of work with a experienced trainer who uses "strength-costless" methods if you are unsure of how to arroyo this task — update — see the first of this mail!!!
You lot tin can practice putting your dog in "Dremeling" position for short periods of fourth dimension while giving them treats before you introduce the Dremel. In combination with Dremel training, your dog will realize that the sound and vibration of the tool, along with this position, are routine, and non at all scary.
For a medium or small domestic dog, I recommend that you place the dog abdomen upward on your lap, or on their side on a comfy dog bed. A large canis familiaris can be laid on his or her side on the floor in front of you, ideally on the couch or on a domestic dog bed.
Safely Sanding
Turn your Dremel on, and set it to to between 10,000 and 15,000 RPM (again, if you are unsure what this means, comment beneath). Hold upward 1 hand, advisedly push any fur away, then select a nail, With your free hand, hold fur abroad from the nail. While supporting the boom between your fingers, touch the sander against the nail for 1-2 seconds, and then retreat. Never go out the sander touching a unmarried spot on a nail for more than two seconds, and never apply pressure. The goal is to smooth picayune sections off, while never putting enough friction on the blast to generate whatever oestrus. That is why using a Dremel that has variable speeds is very handy for the rubber and comfort of the dog, because the slower the speed, the longer it takes to build friction, and the more control you lot have over ensuring the procedure never creates whatever estrus, or sands the boom downwardly too fast. As long as y'all never put force per unit area, and you gently and briefly smooth the sander forth the nail, and never remain in one spot more than a second or two, you volition do just fine. The all-time way to Dremel nails is to focus on 1 paw at a time, rotating between all of its toes.
When to Terminate Dremeling
Over time y'all will learn exactly when to cease sanding. A sure indicator of when to finish is when you begin to come across a footling white dot in the center of the tip of the nail. As well, the tip of the nail will start seeming a fleck softer – and less dry and flaky. That is because you are entering the "living" function of the nail. That piffling white dot is the get-go of the quick. The first time, don't do likewise much. You tin can e'er try again in a few days. If you don't see a trivial white dot, but you go too close to the quick, your dog will lightly flinch. Cease sanding if your dog shows sensitivity, as this is an even clearer indication that the boom is finished.
Finishing The Nails
When you lot are finished Dremeling all of your dog's nails (bottom left), the last two steps are:
- Smooth the nails with your 120 grit sanding band: Swap out your coarse 60 grit sanding drum for your 120 dust sanding band (see supplies list at the start of the article for details). So chop-chop smooth the undersides and ends of the nails. This will remove any flaky bits and keep the nails from smashing.
- Oil the nails: The concluding stride is to rub a thin layer of olive or coconut oil over each smash. Doing this seals the blast. Applying a little bit of olive oil prevents the smash from not bad, makes it very shine, and lastly prevents the nails from absorbing nasty stuff outside. If you Dremel properly and moisturize the nails afterwards, you too won't take to worry near your dog'southward nails leaving marks or scratches anywhere!
How Ofttimes You Should Dremel
Over time, not trimming dog nails often enough can atomic number 82 to all sorts of wellness problems. Every single part of your dog's trunk depends on, and is affected past his feet. Nails that aren't clipped frequently enough will to grow longer quicks over time. This means, if your domestic dog goes for periods where his nails are on the medium/longer side, the live part of the nail volition also longer, and that is the role that yous cannot cut. Not regularly trimming your dog's nails leads to them being longer, long term.
For most dogs, Dremeling once a week is a expert schedule of how oft to trim. If yous tin can manage it, I like to Dremel twice a week.
How frequently you Dremel really depends on how fast your domestic dog's nails grow, and how often she is running around on crude surfaces, which besides can assist in wearing downward the nails. For this reason, avoid Dremeling your dog's nails right before strenuous activity. The soft part of the nail can be a bit delicate for the first few hours afterwards Dremeling.
Additionally, say you've just discovered Dremeling, and your dog has a longer quick expanse than he should. I have plant that if you Dremel on a schedule of effectually every iii-four days, yous can really get the quick to retreat over time. With this sort of frequent trimming, you will need to be diligent and to trim every 3-4 days on a strict schedule. Once the nails have reached the desired length, you can become back to regular maintenance one-2x weekly trimming.
Advantages of Dremeling Dog Nails
One great reward of Dremeling your canis familiaris's nails is that if y'all innovate the process slowly and positively, the likelihood that your domestic dog won't mind it is much greater than the culling of blast clipping. I know this because my ain dog Miles is extremely sensitive, and couldn't have his nails clipped, and he is now very accepting of having his nails Dremeled (encounter below video).
If you Dremel using the instructions here, it is keen because information technology is:
- Not painful for the canis familiaris
- Very difficult to crusade your dog's nails to bleed
- Easier to train the dog to relax than other nail trimming methods
- The 1 method that results in smooth nails that won't crack of scratch people, floors, or article of furniture
Being able to trim your dog's nails yourself doesn't just save a huge amount of time and money, it will also atomic number 82 to keeping your domestic dog's nails a salubrious length and ensure that your dog will non be terrified or in pain.
- Stay betwixt 10,000 and 15,000 RPM for the speed of your Dremel.
- Touch the Dremel to the nail to sand for 1-two seconds, retreat, touch on again, repeat.
- Never put force per unit area on the nail when sanding.
- Never leave the sander on the smash for more than 1-ii seconds at a fourth dimension.
- After trimming the nails with your threescore grit sanding band, bandy it out for your effectively 120 grit sanding band, and smooth the undersides and ends of the nails to finish them.
- After Dremeling your dog'southward nails, finish them by rubbing olive or coconut oil over the nails to seal them and prevent flaking/great.
- Dremel on a schedule to maintain healthy nails (depending on the dog, that will be in one case a week or twice a calendar week).
Heady February 2021 Update: I am launching a new, affordable, in-depth, at-your-ain-pace "How To Dremel Your Dog's Nails" online principal course! Packed with expert instructions, videos, and more! If y'all'd like to be notified when the course is ready, subscribe hither (merely to become a single email when the course is ready):
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